Sunday, December 03, 2006

A Win Against The Leafs Is Always Nice.....

t wasn't pretty, heck the Leafs took it to Les Boys for 2/3s of the night, but a face smash of Tucker by Franky Boullion, and a brilliant 3rd period by Captian Koivu...oh ya and I heard that Raycroft's soiled jockstrap (caused by Souray's fake slapper in the s.o.) is on sale on Ebay...the Habs pulled it out, a win is a win is a win.

I have to admit, I did not pay much attention to the game last night, in between debating the Liberal Leadership Convention, sharing drunken prose with a buddy, and consoling a friend that was pissed off at another friend for standing her up...the game was more back ground noise then anything else. I saw Bou Bou k.o. Tucker, that brought me to my feet, and I saw Koivu take his Habs on his shoulders in the 3rd....I was glued to the shoot out (debate its effect on the game all ya want, but when your boys win, its great fun). The Habs ended the week on a high, they have still yet to lose 2 games in a I said a win against the Leafs is always nice.

Weekly 3 Stars time. 1st Star, gotta give it to Huet, he has been a monster. 2nd Star, Saku, Captain K, is paired up with a rookie and a snake bitten winger, yet he still produces when it counts. 3rd Star.....hmmm screw it, let Huet have that star as well, nuff said. Joe's Doghouse... Sammy, he has moved in, and seems comfortable there. I guess I will put the 7 headed monster that is the Habs defence on notice...too hard to single any one dman out, but I have my eye on these guys, Huet can't save their bacon every night...clear the zone for shit sakes. There is always room in the Doghouse, Sammy doesn't take up all that much room.

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