Thursday, August 24, 2006

Favorite Rumour Site

Okay I will admit it, I started this blog as a reaction to the wild rumours that were being pooped out by other bloggers who claimed to be insiders, and who had me and countless other hockey starved Habs fans blindly refreshing their blogs, in the hopes that there was some validity to anything that they posted. I like to think of myself as a realist...A logic over fantasy type, that said, for 2 solid weeks I continually checked in on nhl-insiders, and the other one canadiensinsiders, thinking hey where there is smoke there is fire, or was it just the same twisted curiosity that humans have to stare at the wreckage of a car accident..I don't know.

There are however quite a number of bloggers who make a living peddling rumours. For the purpose of argument I will focus on only two. My favorite rumour mongerer is Spector.... He reports what he hears, and then comments. He is not someone who claims that he has umpteen sources, he simply reacts to what he hears, and 9 times out of ten I agree with him. I am however, not such a huge fan of Eklund, he is a different breed of rumour mongerer, he is of the type, that starts rumours, he has his connections, he makes news, he doesn't simply report and react to it.

Here is some classic Spector, all logic, no b.s , now compare this to Eklund's little whine this morning . Hey some folks like wild speculation, and puffed up egos, me I will stick with logic, and good solid hockey sense. Who does everyone else enjoy?


faux rumors said...

We agree with you that Lyle Richardson (Spector) has credibility in his opinions while Eklund does not. Why? Richardson's is not a pay site. He does what he does for the love of the game, not to make a quick buck. Eklund is a rumor whore.
BTW, nice start to your blog, good luck!

Joseph said...

thanks...i am not a rumour guy i just write what i think are needs or of interest to habs fans. hey i tend to bust your balls sometimes..i am a realist, but i do enjoy your site...keep up the good work, if i am hard on you, it's because i care.